Wednesday, April 11, 2007

National Public Radio meets T.U.

On the weekend of April 20th, National Public Radio will broadcast an interview I did with them about Tobacconist University for their Marketplace program. Broadcast times will vary depending on what part of the country you live in, so please check their website at The interview took 3 hours, but I think they will have edited it down to between one and two minutes. This is a travesty since I'm sure I provided at least four minutes of worthy material, but I am grateful for the opportunity nonetheless. My hope is that Tobacconists and the luxury tobacco industry will be portrayed in a positive light. It should be a strong counterpoint to the anti-smoking hysteria and Smokerism that is running rampant through our society. I hope that this will be just the beginning with regard to representing luxury tobacco as civilized and legitimate products that enhance our quality of life and our culture.

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