For those of you who don't know, Dr. Siegel is an anti-smoking health advocate who has supported workplace smoking-bans; but he has rallied against the pseudo-science, lies, exaggerations, employment discrimination, and science by press release, strategies used by the tobacco control movement. (If you don't read his blog, you should do so daily as it is one of the only near even-handed and honest publications about tobacco and tobacco control.) Furthermore, employment discrimination against smokers is becoming a big trend in America and it is shameful.... and now overweight people are next... when will Americans remember what it means to be an American? If we are to be a free people, our government must allow us to be free; consequences and all....
Note: the painting used in this blog post was owned by ArtistaCuba (a company I own) and is now owned by Bam Margera, another freedom loving American. If our legislators read this, they will probably think themselves geniuses to enact a tax on art which depicts anything unhealthy!