Wednesday, May 23, 2007


It's official! The RTDA has announced that Tobacconist University will be giving the final Seminar at the 75th Anniversary show in Houston. The opportunity to introduce TU to RTDA's Retail Tobacconists will prove to be a historic event. A University for Tobacconists, by Tobacconists, is long overdue for this venerable industry. And it is an honor and privilege to unveil Tobacconist University to such an esteemed group of professionals. Ultimately, as TU advocates, Retail Tobacconists are the cornerstone of this industry.... the absolute key to preserving our health, wealth, and survival. Retail Tobacconists are an essential and extraordinary part of our culture which must be preserved for generations to come. On Saturday August 4th at 4pm, Tobacconist University will address the best of the best and drive our mission forward: "To set the highest standards of excellence in Product Knowledge, Appreciation, and Professionalism in the luxury tobacco industry."

While we cannot teach all of TU during a one hour seminar, we will use our web site and other educational materials to teach Tobacconists how Education can be leveraged as a Sales and Promotional tool. TU will illustrate exactly how Retail Tobacconists can strengthen relationships and add value to consumers, increase loyalty and sales, reduce turnover, and increase their competitive advantages!


RTDA Seminar in Houston
Saturday August 4: 4:00 PM - 5:00PM
Seminar 3 - The Value of Retailer Product Knowledge and the Importance of Today's Tobacconists
Presented by Jorge Luis Armenteros, CMT, President and founder in 1996 of Tobacconist University and owner of Little Taste of Cuba retail stores in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Jorge puts into context the importance of what we do and illustrates how valuable we really are ways to get more societal acceptance in today's environment. TU's introductory curriculum is an in-depth academic study of tobacco, its history, agriculture, processing, manufacturing, and marketing.

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